When I was a kid I didn't like to study. I used to draw all day, I used to be more artistic. I wanted to be an actress or a musician. As time, in Elementary school, I discovered science, and I developed love for biology and chemistry but I didn't have the best marks. Anyway I made an effort and I got excelent marks. In High school I used to be a science's teacher for kids and classmates. I considered the idea to be a teacher, but I don't have the patience to teach more than 5 kids. When I graduated from High school I didn't have any idea about what I wanted to be in the future, so I took a  year off. I worked in a coffee shop and at the same time, I studied in a pre-university course. In that year I decided to study Biochemistry because this career has everything I love, so I applied to Biochemistry in three different universities. When I was accepted at University of Chile I was so happy, because this university was my first option 
In the first year of Biochemistry I was happy with my career, but in second year I realized that Biochemistry wasn't my dream career, because I like the health area and Chemistry and pharmacy meets my goals. Chemistry and pharmacy is more about the human body and how drugs work in it and I like it more than Biochemistry. 
The kind of job I would like to have is in a hospital or in a lab 


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