A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

In this semester online I could'n match with any subject, because  subjects without labs are not interesting. Anyway I remembered a subject with love, its name is " pharmaceutical botany".
I took this subject last semester, and for now its my favorite. The teachers Gabriela Valenzuela and Carla Delporte are excellent teachers, especially Gabriela, I would like to be like her when I grow up. 
Gabriela does the most entertaining classes with fun facts, she is dedicated to explain until we all understand. I enjoyed those classes because I liked the subject. Also, this subject had laboratories, we worked with plants and we observed them under a microscope. It was really fun and interesenting.
I didn't do very well in the marks because it was difficult, but I learned very well. 
In this semester I have the continuation of pharmaceutical botany, it is called "farmacognosia".
In this subject we study the active principles of plants, but it's not fun, We have online laboratories but it is not the same.  I am sad because in this subject we were going to work in the new laboratories :(
Anyway the teachers are good, and they try to explain  us as well as they can.


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